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October 16, 2024

10 Linear Games That Let You Forge Your  Path

  • May 16, 2024
  • 13 min read
Linear Games

Linear games are often the subject of such bashing because they are inflexible. We can help you realize a movie with some add-ons and a linear game with unique narratives. We’ll show that Premise X does not mean players’ agency will be compromised.

Hitman (complete game series):

The First Linear Games is Hitman; you are a deadly assassin called Agent 47. These carefully prepared stages of eliminating targets are immersed in sandboxes. You can explore high-end casinos and the streets of the Paris market; we can also see the Himalayas- the world is your stage. It’s a stunning visionary work by Hitman. Will you craft a simple poison for the hapless rival’s drink or make his equipment fail? Maybe you and your friend will be rascals, dressed up as trash and messing up the whole town. Through your decisions, you weave new tales of whether it be a success or a loss.

Key Points:

  • Unparalleled Freedom: Assassins accomplish their missions using diverse tactics, ranging from hierarchical structures to random hostility.
  • Master of Disguise: Don dresses up in a way that would make him harder to recognize, gets to places forbidden for mere humans, and assassinates targets most dramatically.
  • Sandbox Levels: Take part in scenarios encompassing various ambient surroundings. Who knows what may lie in waiting there?
  • Replayability: Attain skill through the process of trying different methods. You will get to know how to exterminate your targets.


  • The relevant level of player authority in the mission was unheard of previously.
  • It is a pure masterpiece in terms of replay value, as you may never be able to have the same gameplay again.
  • The level of the sandbox is a whole of tons of different possibilities.


  • This game has a daunting beginning for beginners.
  • In the beginning, gaming masking is the primary experience.

Crysis (all parts):

The Second Linear Games is Crysis; takes you straight into a future war in a high-tech global environment. The soldiers in their Nanosuits have higher levels of strength, speed, and invisibility. Your suit may turn you into a formidable fighting machine capable of subduing the hosts of your enemies. Any crisis level you will enter is your playground. Sometimes, you can participate in open warfare or pick the guise of a ghost and slip through the enemy line, assassinating targets with sharp precision. It is now up to you, and the Nanosuit’s impressive array of features delivers a revolutionary option on the battlefield in the story.

Key Points:

  • Nanosuit Prowess: Acquire expertise in the Nanosuit’s features, soaring high to a juggernaut or a silent shadow.
  • Open-Ended Sandbox Levels: Innovatively create your objectives, using the surrounding environment and your abilities smartly.
  • Explosive Action or Tactical Stealth: Choose between different play styles, from making high-speed fights to patient killings.
  • Visually Stunning Worlds: Engulf yourself in surrounding terrains beyond the limit of the graphics.


  • Players are given one-of-a-kind combat abilities thanks to the Nanosuit.
  • The scenery takes your breath away, leaving you amazed and immersed completely.
  • Denticulate features like safe zones that promote exploration and replayability.


  • It has a steeper difficulty curve and a more challenging game on the highest settings.
  • The game’s plot might need to get the attention of the excellent gameplay interface.

Dishonored 2:

The Third Linear Games is Dishonored 2; The former superpowered assassin Corvo Attano reappears as the protagonist in Dishonored 2. Fighting to the death, time warping, teleportation, and mind control offer a creative way to deal with enemies and danger. The dishonored games go along with the beauty of their aftermath. Do you want to kill people brutally and leave behind corpses? Can nonlethal methods outwit foes and save lives? Decisions determine Dunwall’s future and reputation.

Key Points:

  • Supernatural Playground: Use an impressive arsenal of non-earthly skills to overcome obstacles and take out the targets.
  • Non-Lethal or Brutal Efficiency: Choose your play style, from strategic stealth killing to flashy action choreography.
  • Consequence System: Every deed has consequences, allowing the world to be molded by them and the story to go further.
  • Replayability with Different Playstyles: Narrate the story from a different point of view to make it personal to you.


  • It is a mix of action, stealth, and superpowers.
  • Tackling the consequences of accurate decision-making.
  • Encourages independent thinking and Research.


  • It can be challenging since newbies in immersive sims play the game.
  • In combat, you may become dissatisfied if compared to other action games that are more dynamic.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

The Fourth Linear Games is Dragon Age Inquisition, which is a massive fantasy planet on the brink of calamity. As the mighty Inquisitor, you must close a demon-filled rift and unite a divided nation. Your choices affect freedom, even though the plot progresses linearly. Should you join mages or templars? Who should lead the Inquisition? Who will you date? Every decision—from little talk to world-changing—affects the plot and Thedas. Dragon Age: Inquisition’s linear story and important choices make each play distinct and vital.

Key Points:

  • Choice-Driven Narrative: Where you decide takes you, the future of the world will be affected, and you will be either the formation of alliances, changing the storyline, or determining the fate of the Thedas.
  • Open World Exploration: Immerse yourself in a vast and colorful setting full of secrets, questions, and hidden meanings to discover them.
  • Companion System: Cultivate fondness of your virtual supporters who have apparent names and respective backgrounds.
  • Romance Options: Open up for love (this might also be heartbreak with different people) or hack a companion yourself to make your adventure more custom.


  • The essence of the game is whisking off your way through the area while making the necessary decisions that will lead to the desired outcome.
  • Extensive replayability, where different builds, romances, and world states are all possible.


  • The war was dirty and cursory at times.
  • For some players, the open world may be stressful, and becoming lost or disoriented is a possibility.

Super Mario Odyssey

The Fifth Linear Games is Super Mario Odyssey; If you do not trust the platforms in the game, play with the level structure as the one in Super Mario Odyssey. You play with Mario, its headpiece, Cappy. Caught enemies and some icons with the hat of Cappy, a power of which is revealed. Command the T-Rex to destroy, the bullet bill to blow through the walls, and the Goomba to smash opponents—YOU PROVIDE options and variabilities. It makes every stage an area where creativity is expected and brings out a surplus of original thinking and problem-solving. Super Mario Odyssey recognizes the perfect balance to create open-world adventure and linear storytelling.

Key Points:

  • Capture Mechanics: Cappy is your spirit companion. Having him present in the enemies and objects will unlock new functions, and you can solve puzzles.
  • Sandbox Levels: Discover diverse and lively worlds with hidden areas and tasks to overcome.
  • Hidden Collectibles: Search for hidden moons floating on the indifferent universe levels, which, again, adds a great deal of longevity to the game.
  • Classic Mario Gameplay: Join the highly favored gaming of the classic platformers with a new spice.


  • It is a magical, beautiful,d unbelievable universe overflowing with surprise and imagination.
  • There are novel approaches regarding the mechanics, which contribute to immersive and exciting gameplay.
  • Encourages exploration and experimentation.


  • Compared to totally different Mario games, the difficulty of the easy is just one of the reasons.
  • For some people, evidentiality-lined level structure might need to be more appealing.

The Stanley Parable:

The Sixth Linear Games is The Stanley Parable; While Stanley, of course, has an office job and shows quite reverence and honesty, it is revealed that his department is gone. The game presents diverse choices once you look through the office and corridors. Providing scope for people’s differences, they create a picture of intelligence or wit. Which way did you choose – the narrator’s or your way? The Stanley Parable provides both the preposterousness of video game decision-making and pairs it with the player’s autonomy. The plays vary, with some being existential and others having a lighter aspect.

Key Points:

  • Non-Linear Storytelling: The choices seem quite negligible; however, they lead to a significant difference in the plot.
  • Satirical Humor: What styles are used? Will you discover them? How does it twist video game tropes and players’ expectations?
  • Multiple Endings: Now, uncover multiple endings as each finale brings a new account to the previous story.
  • Replayability for Discovery: Every play-along uncovers a brand-new mystery and facet of a hidden trail.


  • A screenwriting style that is intriguing and original.
  • Rubber up with mad and sharp comments about the video games.
  • It is a game you are likely to play several times, with secret findings at each go.


  • Short playtime will be resolved through in-game purchases or a reasonable price level for the time spent playing.
  • Therefore, we deleted some third-person shooter scenes, as they limit the gameplay feel by requiring more traditional movements.

Armored Core VI:

The Seventh Linear Games is Armored Core VI; The narrative is linear, but the game allows players to build their mech. Pilot a mammoth mech and triumph over your opponents. You can use many weapons and parts of your play style. Do you prefer a tremendous, region-saving character? Instinctively leaning to the left or right to avoid incoming fire? The battlefield becomes your anvil; you must master the art to sculpt your masterpiece. Experimental design, together with the serial plot of mech warfare, is what Armored Core VI exhibits as well.

Key Points:

  • In-Depth Mech Customization: Create the right mech by combining different parts and weapons.
  • Multiple Playstyles: Create a mech of your choice, from strong and skilled ones to nimble and fast ones.
  • Linear Campaign: Going through a story-driven campaign and demonstrating your piloting prowess is progress.
  • Challenge Missions: Experience what your MECH can do in the optional challenge missions.


  • In-depth mech customization system that provides great rewards.
  • Satisfying dynamics where players can experience all strategies.
  • A campaign that examines your piloting abilities to the limit.


  • The hardness of starting for newcomers.
  • First of all, playability is the priority over the plot.
  • It can be repetitive for those who want more comprehensive options.

Steamboat Chronicles:

The Eighth Linear Games is Steamboat Chronicles is a spellbinding lineal trip. You are the captain of a riverboat that travels the bustling canals and charming towns. The plot stays the same, but the trip itself is very dynamic. Discover settlements, trade for money, and individualize your ship. Steamboat Chronicles allows you to be captain of the riverboat in any way you like. Discover and enjoy the atmosphere. Can you trade and build a fleet successfully? Repeatedly going through this captivating world once more gives you a new angle of thinking.

Key Points:

  • Linear Story with Open-Ended Exploration: Advance through the storyline while traveling to different towns and engaging in trade.
  • Riverboat Customization: Improve your vessel with new components and enhance your flotilla.
  • Trading System: Establishing trading posts in different ports makes you richer.
  • Immersive World: Explore the romance and allure of the river life.


  • Relaxing and Atmosphere gameplay experience.
  • An interactive plot that emphasizes exploration and commerce.
  • It is an unusual situation and concept that attracts people from everywhere.


  • It can be too tedious for the players who love action faster.
  • There are fewer fights than in some other games included in the list.
  • Some storylines feel predictable for other players.

Deus Ex:

The Nineth Linear Games is Deus Ex is about high-tech and great secrets. As the cybernetically fitted agent Adam Jensen probes a worldwide conspiracy. Deus Ex is an expert in problem-solving. Even in an action plot, you have to make a choice. Hack locks, be a good fist fighter, or use social traits to stand out. Risk-taking and innovation are highly rewarded in Deus Ex’s global playground. Ghost, soldier, diplomat? Deus Ex is a linear cinematic player agency case study because any tactic is significantly diversified.

Key Points:

  • Multiple Playstyles: Deal with challenges by stealth, combat, or social skills based on your best interests.
  • Open-Ended Levels: Discover huge and numerous open spaces filled with endless possibilities and surprises.
  • Cybernetic Augmentations: Alter yourself entirely with a multitude of cybernetic upgrades.
  • Choice and Consequence: Every choice influences the world you build and the tale you tell.


  • It is a deep, detailed world with a complex storyline.
  • Unrivaled freedom to chew on the objectives.
  • It makes the player inventive and a solution-finder.


  • The learning curve is very high for fresh gamers.
  • Combat can be hectic compared to what is achieved in some of the newest shooter games.
  • The story might be too complex for players due to its dense and complicated character.

Baldur’s Gate III:

The Last in the Linear Games list is Baldur’s Gate III; The Forgotten Realms-themed Baldur’s Gate III keeps the spirit of old-school RPGs. Nevertheless, you may manipulate characters’ growth and make confident decisions. However, the story is undeniably so. Play as a roguish thief, fearless warrior, or charming wizard. Every choice—from simple conversations to crucial next steps—changes you and others. As for Baldur’s Gate III, which combines a linear story with major options, each play is distinct.

Key Points:

  • Choice-Driven Narrative: It is through your choices that the plot is determined, and the world is shaped.
  • Party Building: Have a band of companions in place with their personalities and stories.
  • Classic RPG Gameplay: Taste the strategic depth of pen-and-paper RPGs without losing the exploratory feel.


  • Essential choices that affect both your character and the direction the story takes.
  • A real-time and tactical combat mechanism that is rewarding to skillful thinking.


  • It is an Early Access title, meaning that it is partially completed, and content and features may be limited.
  • Taking part in a melee battle may make it look like the pace could be faster than that of other action RPGs.

At last! The player can control events in a linear game. These games allow the players to discover how a dramatic story can draw them to create their worlds. Even if the story is fixed, you can use your control device to change the ending.

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The Globally

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